
The Vision of Living Faith Church

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Our Vision

Everyone Closer to God

(John 14:6-9)

Our expectation

We’ll become more like Jesus together.

(2 COR 3:18)

To test if something is in line with our vision, we will measure it with the following questions:

  • How does this build existing relationships with God, or encourage new relationships with God?
  • How does this develop and empower people to lead one another, or others closer to God?
  • How does this help people, either within or outside LFC become more like Jesus?
  • How does this encourage people to journey in faith together?
  • How does this allow God to work and us to work with God?

To see If it is working, we can ask the following, assuming an affirmative answer means we are seeing our vision lived out.

  • How have relationships grown in our faith community? With God, with each other, with those outside our community?
  • How have we seen members of our community empowered, and up-skilled to lead one another closer to God, whether in a leadership role or not?
  • How does our faith community reflect the character of God?
  • How are we known in the wider community for being like Jesus?
  • How have we seen God working, and our work being aligned with God’s?
  • Has this brought everyone closer to God together - including those in leadership or serving roles?

Our key focus areas

The key focus areas, are a secondary metric to our vision. These are the core things we will focus on improving, growing resourcing in the next season. If our Goal is what directs us, these show the core areas we will invest in to achieve that. Another key purpose of these, is to help us prioritise our resources between multiple activities or ministries that will help us achieve our goal.

Our key focus areas are:


The Holy Spirit causes ongoing meaningful change in our lives. We seek this out and will help each other to find God and become more Christ-like.

Measuring questions:

  • How does this invite ongoing meaningful change in our lives through the holy spirit?
  • How does this help people become more Christ-like together?
  • How are we providing opportunities for the holy spirit to work?


Motivated by Christ, we join God in actively showing love, living out God’s call to Justice and using our gifts for God’s purpose.

Measuring questions:

  • How does this work with God, in showing love and pursuing justice?
  • How does this help us find, grow and/or use our Gifts for God’s purpose?


We trust in God. We seek to grow our understanding of Gods word and our shared story. Our trust in God sustains us and is our hope for the future.

Measuring questions:

  • How does this help us deepening our understanding of God, his word or our shared story?
  • How does this help build our trust in God?
  • How does this this activity bring us hope or fuel us, by relying on God?


Reflecting the love of God, by affirming the image of God in each of us, valuing one another and celebrating our differences.

Measuring questions:

  • How does this actively affirm the image of God in all involved?
  • How does this value people the way God values them?
  • How does this celebrate our diversity?
  • How does this value and welcome input from a diverse range of people – for example people of all ages?
  • How does this include or welcome input from to people who find it hard to be included or contribute?
  • How does this build relationships between people of different ages?

More From 'About Us'

A Safe and Inclusive Church

A Safe Church

Living Faith Church is committed to providing our worshipping and pastoral communities with an environment free from abuse and a safe place for all people to express their faith in God. We value the safety of our children and those of our congregation at risk, including vulnerable adults.

The Living Faith Church 'Safe Church' policy has been adopted to ensure that we fulfil our commitment and obligation to create a safe organisation. Living Faith Church commit to the following actions to keep children and vulnerable adults safe. We will:

- Follow the Uniting Church Synod Vic Tas (UCA) current “Safe Church Policy” and the Churches of Christ Victoria (CCVT) “Child Safety Policy”; wherever CCVT and UCA requirements of implementation are the same, a single action of compliance will count for both (e.g., Working with Children Check (WWCC), Safe Church Training (SCT);

- Ensure that policies and procedures are implemented to embed a culture of safety;

- Encourage the training, supervision and support of employees and volunteers;

- Encourage access, equity, and diversity, including ensuring accessible policy and procedure requirements;

- Adopt and implement evidence-based standards to recruit and screen employees and to engage volunteers and others who work with children;

- Manage risk, promote safety, and respond to concerns, including the Living Faith Church formal complaints process;

- Actively explore opportunities for child, family, and community participation; and

- Commit to the Living Faith Church Inclusivity Vision.

Further information can be found on our 'Safe Church' policy, attached on this page, or on:

UCA Keeping Children Safe webpage

CCVT Safe Places webpage

Living Faith Church pride ourselves on being a safe, inclusive place. If you feel unsafe at any time, we are here to help.

Please talk to our Pastors

Ellen Grabner: 0491 072 931

Kate Clough: 0411 523 153

or Safe Church Contact People

Janet: 0412 551 117

David: 0432 528 569

An Inclusive Church

The Church Council and Ministry Team, on behalf of Living Faith Church, acknowledge the harm done to the LGBTQIA+ community, including our own families. Excluding and undermining our siblings in Christ is neither trivial, necessary nor merely political. We are committed to doing better by providing an explicitly and intentionally safe space for worship and fellowship.

In 2023, Living Faith Church took a step towards this goal. The church council and leaders of various Living Faith Church Ministries and Life Groups met with Katecia Taylor and AJ Jensen from consulting organisation Queers Be With You. Queers Be With You offers educational workshops and individual consultations to Churches and Christian organisations who want to be more LGBTQIA+ inclusive.

In 2024, Living Faith Church is looking to participate with Uniting Network Australia, which is the national network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people, our families, friends and supporters within the Uniting Church in Australia.

Further information can be found on the Uniting Network documents 'A Welcoming Church' and 'An Open and Affirming Church', attached on this page.

Living Faith Church recognises that our diversity is a strength and that seeking the full participation of our members and community in everything we do is an element of our worship. (Psalm 34:8, we can recognise right conduct by its fruit).

The Living Faith Church ‘Call to Inclusivity’ policy has been adopted to shape how Living Faith Church creates and applies policies and procedures. It is informed by our vision, governing bodies, the Uniting Church in Australia and Churches of Christ Victoria Australia, state and federal legislation, and our history.

When applying policy and process, Living Faith Church is committed to:

- Keep our legal and regulatory obligations;

- Fully adhere to all LFC policies where possible, keeping the intent of our policies where processes cannot be kept in full;

- Inform our community about their rights and responsibilities, invite them to participate in decisions affecting them, and take their representations seriously;

- Ensure policy and procedures are understandable and accessible to all members of the community;

- Support our teams and members, and to equip them to support each other;

- Provide worshiping and pastoral communities that are free from abuse, and that provide safe environments for all people to explore and express their faith in God; and

- Call out policy and process that falls short of our vision and commitment to each other. (Colossians 3:12, an attitude of humility and repentance brings us closer to God).

Further information can be found on our 'Call to Inclusivity' policy, attached on this page.

Additionally, a collaborative research project conducted by La Trobe University, Macquarie University, AGMC (Australian GLBTIQ+ Multicultural Council), and Brave Network with support from the Steering Committee of the Improving Spiritual Health Care for LGBTQA+ Australians Research Project can be found in the document called ‘A Guide to Improving Safety in Pastoral Care with LGBTQA+ people, attached on this page.

Document cited: Jones, T.W., Despott, N., Jones, T.M., Anderson, J., Pallotta-Chiarolli, M., & Power, J. (2023) A Guide to Improving Safety in Pastoral Care with LGBTQA+ people. La Trobe University: Melbourne.


Acknowledgement of Country

Living Faith Church acknowledges and prays for the First Nations People of the land on which we meet - the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay respects to their Elders past and present and we recognise their faithfulness to Country.


Ellen Grabner - Minister

“You have set my feet in a wide-open place” says Psalm 31:8, in a single verse that burst with a sense of astonishment and joy out of a longer prayer for liberation and safety. What a glorious moment when we realize that we are, in fact, already safely planted by God in a space that invites us into trust, freedom, and opportunity to explore.

This verse captures my general sense of being part of Living Faith Church. From the very first day here, I have noticed consistently a strong culture of trust and care, confidence and compassion, willingness to engage and a deeply rooted assurance that God is good and that it will be well.

Looking at our faith community, I wonder whether you share this sense that under God’s good guidance, we are held safely, confident to live our faith and ready to look around in this open space around us – and see where God takes us? It is my prayer that we will all know for sure that God’s got our back and that we can nod our Yes to God’s invitation to move closer.

May we all be aware of how much trust, kindness and love our good God has for us. The One who has planted us in this inviting space will surely delight in every step that we take in faith.

The kingdom, the power and the glory are God’s, now and always.

Ellen Grabner - Minister
